Saturday, 24 September 2022

Join us TODAY the 24th at 0900 for a FREE class!

No experience needed!

0630 class cancelled the following dates: Monday the 26th, and Tuesday the 27th. We apologize for any inconvenience.



3-Person Team WOD, equal work required

75 Wall ball shots (25/20)@(10/9′)

300-ft Double dumbbell front rack walking lunges (50/35)

75 Wall ball shots (25/20)@(10/9′)

…Rest 5:00 then…

45 Wall ball shots (25/20)@(10/9′)

150-ft Double dumbbell overhead walking lunges (50/35)

45 Wall ball shots (25/20)@(10/9′)


For time

…Rest 2:00 then…

6:00 max calories assault bike*


For calories

*Teammates switch every 0:30



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