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Accessory Work:
1:00 Max reps banded strict pull-ups
1:00 Rest
1:00 Max reps ring rows
1:00 Rest
2 Rounds for max reps
Partner WOD, equal work required
20 Power snatch (115/73)
20 Toes-to-bar
20 Handstand push-ups
18 Power snatch (115/73)
18 Toes-to-bar
18 Handstand push-ups
16 Power snatch (115/73)
16 Toes to bar
16 Handstand push-ups
…Rest 3:00 then…
12 Overhead squats (135/93)
120 Double-unders
8 Overhead squats (135/93)
80 Double-unders
6 Overhead squats (135/93)
60 Double-unders
For time
(22:00 cap)
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