Saturday, 03 July 2021

Join MP to celebrate our Independence Day with a FREE WOD on Monday, July 5, 2021 at 0930!!

Family and friends are welcome to join or cheer you on!

There will only be one class time on Monday, July 5th. 



4 Negative pull-ups w/ 4-sec count down

Rest 1:00


5 sets for quality



Row 800m

15 Power Cleans (95/63)

15 Abmat Butterfly Sit-up

Bike 1200m

20 Shoulder to Overhead (95/63)

20 Kettlebell goblet squats (53/35)

Row 400m

25 Hand-release Push-ups

25 Box Overs (24/20″)

Bike 600m

30 Weighted stationary lunges (45/35)

30 Double Unders


For Time

Compare to Saturday, 23 January 2021



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