Saturday, 29 May 2021

Join us on Memorial Day at 0930 for a Hero WOD, and then FREE BBQ by Blowin’ Smoke Bar-B-Q! Friends, family, and first timers are welcome to join!



Partner WOD

As many reps as possible in 20:00 of*

7 Burpees

6/4 Calories biked

3 Right-arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35)

3 Left-arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35)


For total score

*Partners switch after each full round.



Push Jerk

7 @ 35% of 1-rm clean and jerk

9 @ 45%

11 @55%

9 @65%

7 @ 75%


For quality and load



Post results and experiences to comments