Friday, 28 May 2021

Join us on Memorial Day at 0930 for a Hero WOD, and then FREE BBQ by Blowin’ Smoke Bar-B-Q! Friends, family, and first timers are welcome to join!



Partner WOD

1:00 work at each of the following*

Dumbbell squat snatches (50/35)

Handstand walk

Deadlift (275/183)

Alternating single arm devils press (50/35)

D-ball cleans (100/80)



4 Rounds for score

*Partners alternate each minute.  For example, at 3-2-1-g0 partner 1 will do 1:00 of dumbbell squat snatches.  Once the minute is up, partner 1 will tag partner 2, who will then do 1:00 of handstand walking.  Partners alternate in this way until all 4 rounds are completed.  Handstand walking will be scored 1 rep for every 5 feet.



10 GHD Sit-ups

15 Arch rocks

1:00 Rest


5 Sets for quality



Post results and experiences to comments