Saturday, 12 December 2020

Attention all! As of Wednesday, 25 November, Saint Francis Health Zone has closed its doors for a minimum of 45 days due to rising Covid numbers. Their closing has forced MP to close. I am currently looking for a new location to continue our training! Stay tuned for the new location.

Coach Jimmy, Coach Sarah, Coach Christa, and Nick Newman will be competing in a same gender partner comp in OKC on Saturday. We will be carpooling from Coach Sarah’s at 0545. If anyone wants to meet and go as the cheer section, we would love to have you! Contact Jimmy or Sarah if you are interested.



At-home WOD:

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Dumbbell push press

Burpees over dumbbell

…Rest 2:00 then…

40 Dumbbell single arm front squats

30 Dumbbell snatches

400m Run

…Rest 2:00 then…

21 Push-ups

18 Alternating pistols

15 Dumbbell bent over rows (per arm)

12 V-ups


For total time



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