Wednesday, 11 November 2020


10 Hollow rocks

10 Arch raises

20 Hollow/arch swings on bar

1:00 Rest


5 Sets



12 Devil presses (50/35)

50′ Double dumbbell walking lunge*

9 Devil presses (50/35)

50′ Double dumbbell walking lunge

6 Devil presses (50/35)

50′ Double dumbbell walking lunge

3 Devil presses (50/35)

50′ Double dumbbell walking lunge


For total time

*For first lunges, hold one dumbbell overhead in your right hand, and the other dumbbell in a suitcase carry in left hand.  For second set of lunges, hold both dumbbell’s in front rack.  For third set, hold both dumbbells in farmers carry.  For last set of dumbbells, hold one dumbbell overhead in your left hand, and the other dumbbell in a suitcase carry in right hand.



Post results and experience in comments