Saturday, 08 August 2020


Partner WOD

“Twas the night”

Perform 3 rounds of:

16 Partner plank push-ups*

14 Bar-facing-burpees

12 Power snatches (115/73)


…rest 4:00, then…

4-6-8-10-12 rep rounds of:

Power Cleans (135/93)

Handstand Push-ups


…rest 4:00, then…

2 rounds of:

50 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

40 Sit-ups

30 Ring dips

20 Front squats (185/123)

10 Devil presses (50/35)


For time

All exercises are equal work. Only one person working at a time.

*Plank PU: both partners start in the high plank. On partner does 1 pu, while partner holds high plank. Once pu is complete, partners tag, and then the other partner does 1 pu. That is 2 pu’s total. Continue until all 16 are complete.



Post results and experiences to comments

Compare to Tuesday, 24 December 2019