Tuesday, 09 June 2020

General warm-up:

2 rounds of:

Row 15/12 Calories

8 Spiders

7 T-Push-ups

8 V-ups

7 Deep squats

8 Shoulder press w/T’s


Ski 12/8 calories

20m Heavy Farmers carry

40m D-ball high carry

10 KB swings

Bike 15/12 Calories

Endurance: Partner bike/run*

Run 400m

Bike for max cals

12 rounds for time**

*While one partner runs, other bikes, then switch, so each partner runs 6 times and bikes 6 times

**take 1 sec off total time per total cals biked 


If performing WOD solo:

6 rounds for time of:

400m run

1200m bike


5 sets of increasing load

5 weighted strict pull-ups



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