Saturday, 23 May 2020

ATTENTION ALL!! With great joy, the Health Zone will be re-opening Tuesday, 26 May!!!! MP will be opening as well! We will have to maintain our social distancing, and some other guidelines, but we will be WOD’n again!! Please check the website daily for more information. Memorial Day we will be meeting for a hero WOD at 1000  Location TBD and will be posted on website  



Complete as many reps in 1 minute at each station of*:

Overhead DB alternating lunges* (50/35)

Low plank hold

Sandbag Zercher squats (70/50)


DB swings (50/35)


5 rounds for score

*Take 15 seconds to rotate from station to station. Rest 1:30 between rounds


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 110



Post results and experiences to comments