Tuesday, 11 February 2020


General Warm-up:

Bike 3:00

10 Samsons

12 Hand-release push-ups

14 v-ups

14 Squats

12 Shoulder press w/T’s

10 Pull-ups

Row 2:00

10m Goblet lunges

10 Kettlebell swings

10m Goblet lunges

10 PVC passovers

10 PVC windmills

10 PVC overhead squats


Speed and Endurance:

Row 500m

Rest 3:00*


5 rounds for total sprint time

*Perform 10 alternating pistols during the rest. Work on position and balance. “Form over speed”.


Skill work:

Pick 2-3 skills from the Athletic Skill Sheet


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 9*

*See Day 1 for rules



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