Friday, 10 January 2020

Sign up if you plan to participate in the MP competition the Saturday, 0900-1400’ish.


General Warm-up:

2 rounds of:

Run 200/Row 250

8 Spiders

7 T-Push-ups

8 V-ups

7 Deep squats

8 Shoulder press w/T’s


Ski 12/8 calories

20m Farmers carry

40 second D-ball rock

10 KB swings



200m Row*

For Time

*All out effort



“Sally’s surprise”

AMCAP in 30-minutes* on:

Bike, Rower, and/or Ski erg


For score

*Whenever you hear the “Flower” song (“sally up”), stop AMCAP, and perform one of the following (Coach will decide): Push-ups, Leg Raises, Air Squats, or High/Low Planks. Upon, completion of song, resume AMCAP. Athlete can change apparatus or maintain the same after each time the song plays.



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