Monday, 07 October 2019

Register for the 2020 CrossFit Games Open, Click HERE


General Warm-up:

2 rounds for quality:

Run 200m

6 Spiders

8 T-Push-ups

10 Sit-ups

10 Squats

8 Shoulder press w/T’s

6 Pull-ups

Row 200m


Specific Warm-up:

5 Kettlebell swings

5 Wall-ball shots

4 Box jumps

4 Power cleans

3 Thrusters

3 Overhead squats


3 rounds, increasing loads each round



“Time with the Girls”

Angie’s House

20 Pull-ups

20 Push-ups

20 Sit-ups

20 Squats


Helen’s House

400m Run

21 Kettlebell swings (53/35)(45/30)

12 Pull-ups


Fran’s House

15 Thruster (95/63)(80/53)


Nancy’s House

400m Run

15 Overhead squats (95/63)(80/53)


Grace/Isabel’s House

20 Ground-to-overhead (135/93)(115/73)


Kelly’s House

400m Run

30 Box jumps (24/20″)(20/16”)

30 Wall-ball shots (20/14)(16/10) @ (10/9′)


For time

(30:00 cap)

Compare to Saturday, 22 June 2019



Each athlete uses only one bar. Increase load as needed.



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