Saturday, 24 August 2019

Register for Wodapalooza Online Qualifier, starting 21 August

Register for Saved by the Barbell, Saturday, 31 August 2019


Strength & Conditioning:

3-person team WOD

With a 15:00 cap, perform the following 2 WOD’s:

“Fast and Heavy”

300 Double unders

100 Alternating DB snatches (50/35)

30/20 Bar muscle-ups


For time

…then with time remaining…

Snatch Complex*

Snatch + Hang Snatch

For team total

*Each team member must find a 1-RM of the complex


…rest 5:00, then…

Team runs 2001m with (70/40)

For time


Teams will carry a sandbag or equivalent. Handing off from team mates as needed.



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