Saturday, 18 May 2019



4-person Team WOD

“Why do I do this?”


400 Single Unders


20 Handstand Push-ups*

30 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14 ) @ (10/9′)

40 Alternating Box Jumps (20″)

50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/63)

50 GHD Sit-ups

40 Alternating Box Jumps

30 Wall-Ball Shots

20 Handstand Push-ups



2000m Row


For time and total burpees

Compare to Saturday, 26 December 2015


-Equal work required

-Only one team member working at a time on the Jump rope and Row

*During this part, team will split into two partner teams. One team will perform 20 HSPU, while the other performs max rep plate-facing burpees. Only one partner working at a time for each team (one HSPU and one burpee). Once the team performing the HSPU is done, teams tag out, and now the burpee team performs HSPU, and the HSPU team now does burpees. Continue rotating back and forth from WOD to Burpees through the rest of the exercises. Each partner team will keep track of their total burpee count, and at the end, partner teams will total burpees for the whole team.

…Rest 5 minutes…


As a team of 4, perform as many reps in 4 minutes of:

Clean-2-Overhead (135/95)

(bar MUST pass through the front rack position on each rep)


For Score

Compare to Saturday, 29 December 2018


Quad Smash

Anterior Compartment Smash

Spine Smash

Ball Tack & Floss



Post time, scores, and experiences to comments