Tuesday, 26 March 2019



Every minute on the minute perform Double Unders for 12 minutes

Everyone starts with 1, then progress each minute with the following†:

Beginner* add 1 rep

Intermediate* add 3 reps

Advanced* add 5 reps

Elite* add 7 reps


For highest number completed

†Repetitions must be connected/unbroken. If a given rep count is failed to be completed within the minute, athlete stays on that rep count the next minute(s) until it is successful or time expires.

*Beginner level have completed 0-15 Double Unders unbroken

*Intermediate level have completed 16-30 Double Unders unbroken, and can do 10+ consistently

*Advanced level have completed 41-74 Double Unders unbroken, and can do 25+ consistently

*Elite level have completed 75+ Double Unders unbroken, and can do 50+ consistently



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

100m Run

1 Man-Maker*(35/25)


For total Man-makers

*Add 1 Man-maker each round.



Ankle Mobility

Spine Smash

Couch Stretch



Post results and experiences to comments