Wednesday, 09 January 2019




Every 75 seconds perform 2 connected reps

Start at 25%, and add ∼10% of 1RM after the first 5 sets. Then add ∼5% for any remaining sets until failure.


For max load



“Fun With Fran”

15 Thrusters + 15 Pull-Ups + 15 Thrusters

Rest until clock says 5:00*

12 Thrusters + 12 Pull-Ups + 12 Thrusters

Rest until clock says 10:00*

9 Thrusters + 9 Pull-Ups + 9 Thrusters


For Time

Compare to Monday, 28 September 2015


RX (65/43)

Masters (45/30)

*Progress through each cycle to get as many reps as possible in 3:00 up to the prescribed number per round. Then, rest 2 minutes before beginning the second set. Repeat this process for the set of 12’s.



Reclined Spinal Twist

Hip Capsule

Biceps Barbell Smash



Post max load, split times, and experiences to comments