Saturday class starts at 0830 this week.
New Proposed “Army Combat Fitness Test”
0:00-5:00 3-Rep Deadlift (max load)
5:00-7:00 Rest
7:00-10:00 Standing Power Throw (10) (max distance)
10:00-13:00 Rest
13:00-15:00 Hand-Release Push-ups (max reps)
15:00-18:00 Rest
18:00-22:00 Sprint, Drag, Carry (for time)
22:00-26:00 Rest
26:00-28:00 Leg Tug (max reps)
28:00-33:00 Rest
33:00-Finish 2-mile Run (for time)
For Score
Deadlift- find a 3 rep max in 5 minutes. Army test requires a trap bar. Use a standard barbell if trap bar is not available.
Standing Power Throw- With back to lane, take a 10# medicine ball and throw as far as possible straight over your head. You have 1 practice and 2 attempts
Hand-release Push-ups- Standard HRPU’s
Sprint, Drag, Carry- All legs of this event are 25m down and 25m back, 50m total. Leg 1, sprint; Leg 2, 90# sled drag; Leg 3, lateral sprint; Leg 4, double KB carry (40#); Leg 5, sprint
Leg Tuck- are performed by hanging from a bar with an alternated grip. Hands touching each other. Start in a straight hang, and without kipping, bring the knees up to touch the elbows. Arms do not remain straight.
2-mile run- run 2 miles for time
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