Monday, 22 January 2018

Congratulations to Sarah Flynn! MP’s newest CFL1 certified! Ape Strong!

2018 CrossFit Games registration now live! Click HERE

Affiliate name: MP CrossFit

Team name: Ape Nation



Partner WOD

200 Double Unders

20 Deadlifts Each* (135/95)

20 Front Squats Each* (135/95)

20 Shoulder-2-Overhead Each* (135/95)


For Time

(8:00 cap)


…rest 8 minutes

Complete as many reps as possible in 12-minutes of:

60 Sit-up Slammers (12/8) @ 2m

48 Burpee Box Overs (24/20″)

36 Dumbbell Snatches (53/35)

24 Strict Pull-ups


For Score


WOD 1:

While one partner performs their 20 deadlifts, the other partner holds the bottom of the squat with bar on back. Then partners switch roles.

While one partner performs 20 front squats, the other holds bar in front rack. Then partners switch roles.

While one partner performs 20 S2OH, the other holds bar extended overhead.

Partners can go in any order they choose, but once an athlete starts their 20 reps, they must finish before the other partner can perform theirs.

Partner holding must be in position before the active lifter does reps.

WOD 2:

Equal work. Score is total reps completed.



10 Sit-ups to Straddle

Right Side Straddle – 2:00

Left Side Straddle – 2:00

Middle Straddle – 2:00



Post time, score, and experiences to comments