Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Tough Mudder 2015. There will be a sign-up sheet for anyone that is interested in doing a Tough Mudder in 2018.

2018 CrossFit Games registration now live! Click HERE

Affiliate name: MP CrossFit

Team name: Ape Nation


Hang Power Clean

3 reps at 50% 1RM

3 reps at 60%

3 reps at 65%

3 reps at 70%

3 reps at 75%

3 reps at 80%

3 reps at 85%


For quality fast elbows and getting under bar into solid receiving position



27-21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Calories Rowed

Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (10/9’)


For Time



Hip Capsule Stretch – 2:00/side

T-Spine Smash – 4:00

Quad Smash – 2:00/side



Post max load, time, WOD chosen, and experiences to comments