Congratulations to Michael Rodriguez winning the free month for completing the online survey!
FITAID winners are: Brian Wortham, Tara Mundell, Allyson Leggett, Danny Scroggins, Becca Kirby, Jana Decker, Craig Sahli, Liliana Ross, Gene Pelizzoni, and Burris Smith
Partner WOD
15-minute AMCAP of:
Max Calories Rowed
…rest 2 minutes, then*…
10-minute AMRAP of:
25 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
25 Wall-Ball Push-ups
50 Walking Lunges
…rest 2 minutes, then…
5-minute AMCAP of:
Max Calories Biked
For Score
*If you have any missing 1RM’s, stop at this point, and make one up. If you are current, but want to do a lift, stop here as well.
Option 1:
Make up or redo 1-rep max
Option 2:
Shoulder Press
4 reps @ 55% 1RM
4 reps @ 65%
3 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
2 reps @ 90%
2 reps @ 90%
…rest 1-2 minutes, then…
Max rep Push Press at 90%
For quality and max reps
Shoulder Fold – 1:30/side
Twisted Cross – 1:30/side
Saddle Pose – 2:00
Pike stretch – 2:00
Post score, lift, load, and experiences to comments