Saturday, 30 December 2017

2016 KO in the OK Team

Gym closed Monday, Jan. 1, for New Years!

Tuesday classes, Jan. 2, will ONLY be at 0900 and 1200.



6-person team WOD*

Assault on Synchronized Fran


18 Cal. Biked

18 Sync Thrusters (75/55)

18 Sync Pull-ups

12 Cal. Biked

12 Sync Thrusters (75/55)

12 Sync Pull-ups

6 Cal. Biked

6 Sync Thrusters (75/55)

6 Sync Pull-ups



15 Cal. Biked

15 Sync Thrusters (95/65)

15 Sync Pull-ups

12 Cal. Biked

12 Sync Thrusters (95/65)

12 Sync Pull-ups

9 Cal. Biked

9 Sync Thrusters (95/65)

9 Sync Pull-ups



12 Cal. Biked

12 Sync Thrusters (105/75)

12 Sync Pull-ups

9 Cal. Biked

9 Sync Thrusters (105/75)

9 Sync Pull-ups

6 Cal. Biked

6 Sync Thrusters (105/75)

6 Sync Pull-ups


For Time

18:00 cap

WOD courtesy of KO in the OK 2018

*3 male and 3 females if able. One pair working at a time. Each team must add their own weight to the bar. Add one second per rep not completed before cap.



Team 1-RM complex:

3 Deadlifts – 2 Hang Power Clean – 1 Jerk


For max load

10:00 cap






Post team time, individual and total load, and experiences to comments