Tuesday, 09 May 2017

Mark calendars for May 15-19, Olympic Lifting Series at the 0845, 1200, and 1730 classes all week. Blake Barnes from Oklahoma Weightlifting Club, will be leading these classes through Clean & Jerk drills/work and Snatch drills/work. If you are not an MP member, but would like to join in, contact Coach Jimmy for more details.



Row 250m, All Out

Rest 3 minutes

Row 400m, @ 90% 250m pace

Rest 2:00

Row 300m, @ 90% pace

Rest 1:00

Row 250m, @ 90%


For quality of pace control



“Time to work it off”

40 Burpees

40 Double Unders

400m Run

30 Knees-2-Elbows

30 Speed Skips

300m Run

20 Pistols, Alternating (10 each leg)

20 Clapping Push-ups

200m Run

10 Strict Handstand Push-ups

10 Muscle-ups

100m Run


For Time

Compare to Monday, 09 November 2015



Plantar Surface – 1:30/foot

Low Lunge Twist – 1:30/side

T-Spine Smash – 2:00


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 94



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