Wednesday, 04 January 2017

 If you are interested in working on your rowing, here is a link to an online rowing competition for the month of January, Row’d Royalty. Once on the site, click “Register”, and it will lead you through. Cost is $20. The divisions are Male/Female Standard, and Male/Female Tall. Every week one Concept 2 rower will be raffled off to a luck individual for simply posting their time.


Partner WOD

100m Sprint

10 Power Snatches (95/63)

5 Burpees

10 Calories Rowed

5 Shoulder Press (95/63)


6 rounds for time

(12:00 Cap)




1-rep max

Compare to Wednesday, 13 July 2016



Spine Smash – 2:00

Anterior Compartment Smash – 1:30/side

Quad Smash – 1:30/side

Glute Smash – 1:30/side



Post time, max load, and experiences to comments