Monday, 05 September 2016

MP CrossFit Tulsa 090516

On Saturday, 10 September 2016, MP will be hosting an event to support Autism. To participate, please visit the following to sign-up. Lift Up Autism

MPCF will be closed Monday. We will be meeting at Memorial High School track at 0830. If you have not RSVP’d, do ASAP to Coach Jimmy.



4-person Team (2M/2F)

Part 1 (M/M) (F/F):

A) 400-yard Overhead Walking (125/75)

For Time

B) 6 rounds* for time of:

5 Fat Bar Hang Power Cleans (130/70)

10 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ 10′

15-yards Burpee Broad Jumps


…once both teams finish, switch roles, and complete

*Male team will complete 1A, while female team completes 1B. After both teams finish, adjust weight on OH bar and Fat Bar, switch roles, and complete.

On part A, male 1 gets weight OH anyhow, and begins walking. Males 2 of that team follows along. Male 1 can put the bar down anytime they wish, when they do, male 2 picks it up from the spot male 1 put it down, gets the weight OH, and then continues walking. This rotation continues until the 400-yds is complete.

Simultaneously, the female team alternates part B exercises until all 6 rounds are completed.


…rest 5 minutes, then…


Part 2 (F1/M1/F2/M2):

200-yard Sprint Relay*

2 rounds for time

*Female 1 sprints 100-yds, turns around, sprints back, tags Male 1, Male 1 takes off. Continue this pattern through the entire team, and then repeat for a second round.



Shoulder Capsule – 1:30/side

Hip Capsule – 1:30/side

Side Straddle – 1:30/side

Center Straddle – 1:30



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