Run 400m 50 Box Jumps (20″) 75 Push-Ups 100 Sit-Ups 150 Double Unders (600 singles) Run 400m CFBC V: 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/12) Run 200m 30 Box Jumps (20″) Run 200m Post time to comments
And the last shall be first…
26:07 RX
28:15 RX
19:17 (singles)
25:29 (singles, 18″, KPU)
24:54 RX
17:12 Rx
“Good enough” never is.
18:44 w/ singles. Good WOD.
13:59 RX.
11:27 RX
April Fool’s 18:29 RX
20:47 (singles)