Tuesday, 04 June 2019



Partner up, and perform 10 rounds of:

30 seconds bike

15 seconds transition/switch

30 seconds handstand hold


For total calories

Partner A bikes while partner B holds HS. after 30 seconds, they have 15 seconds to switch.


Metabolic Conditioning:

30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest of:


D-ball High Carry* (100/80)

Ring dips*

Alternating pistols

Rest 1:00 between rounds


5 rounds for score*

*D-ball high carry is counted 1 rep for every 5-feet. Burpees are an authorized substitution for burpee challenge participants.


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 122

Happy birthday Mr. Burpee*!!

*If he was alive. 😉



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