Friday, 19 May 2023

Join us TODAY at any class time for FREE!

No fitness experience needed! Scaling and progression options will be posted at gym.


Partner WOD, equal work required

60 Front squats (135/93)

20 Wall walks

48 Front squats

16 Wall walks

36 Front squats

12 Wall walks

24 Front squat

8 Wall walks

12 Front squats

4 Wall walks


For time

(30:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Brian Flynn says

    Partnered with Casper’s cousin, Buscott.
    FS- 3×10, 3×8, 3×6, 2×6, 1×6
    WW-2set except last one.

  2. Vernice says

    Kim and Vernice, John shadowed.

  3. sflynn says

    Solo version (half reps) at home
    13:50 Rx
    Wall walks on the garage floor concrete are slippery! :-p
    Despite being by myself I really loved this workout!

  4. Henry Smith says

    Partnered with wade
    25:08 mod 95# + wade mod ww

    That one felt brutal today.

  5. megancyork says

    29:28 Rx partnered with Big J

    Wall walks got really spicy but tried to go in bigger sets.

  6. Christie Spears says

    24:19 partnered with Michelle
    FSQ #40
    WW started walking back half way then had to change to modified version
    Need to slow down with FSQ knees kept buckling kept losing form

  7. Crystal Stine says

    Mindy was my partner.
    27:56 mod wall walk. ( able to do a harder progression on WW)
    32# front squat .

  8. Michelle Milstead says

    Partnered with Christie! This was a fun one!
    32# FSQ

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