Saturday, 23 April 2022


2022 CrossFit Games Age Group Online Qualifier WOD 5

50 Calories rowed

15 Handstand push-ups

50 Double-unders


3 Rounds for time



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Christa says

    30:29 Rx
    HSPU are hard.

  2. 15:48 Rx
    Row at 800+
    HSPU 10/5 and UB last round
    DU 49/1, UB last two rounds

    That’s a wrap on AGOQ!
    Congrats Jimmy, Steve, and Vernice! ❤️

  3. Ron Sage says

    18:04 with 75 jump rope single unders

  4. White Ape says

    Qualifier WOD’s 3 & 5:
    WOD 3:
    49 reps rx

    WOD 5:
    12:37 Rx
    Averaged 1150 for the rows, next time stay above 1200.
    10/5 on HSPU
    Unbroken all double unders

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