Friday, 01 April 2022



Partner WOD

Complete as many reps* as possible in 3:00 of:

40′ Handstand walk (together)

12 Synchronized toes-to-bar

Max rep squat snatches* (115/78) in remaining time

1:00 Rest between rounds


*Complete above AMRAP until partners have completed 50 squat snatches

For time

(19:00 cap)


Accessory Work:

10 Banded hip thrusts

0:30 GHD back extension hold

1:00 Rest


3 Sets for quality



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Michelle Milstead says

    Partnered with Steve
    18:45 (I did 43# snatch)

  2. sflynn says

    Sape 10:52 Rx
    All TTB UB
    Snatches: 16,16,18
    This was a really fun WOD!

  3. megancyork says

    19 reps at cap. No partner I did it solo at 6:30am class. Started at 78# dropped down to 73# for last two rounds.
    Everything felt heavy except bear crawls. I wanted to do shoulder taps but even that felt heavy.
    The 10 hour turn around was hard this morning but I’m so glad I showed up and worked!
    Accessory work was really nice to do after that workout.

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