Saturday, 12 February 2022

2022 CrossFit Games Open Registration CLICK HERE

CrossFit Judges course CLICK HERE

Join us today, 12 February, for a FREE WOD at 0900!!



Partner WOD*

10 Rope climbs

40 Calories skied

40 Double dumbbell thrusters (50/35)

50 Calories biked

50 Sit-up slammers (12/8)

60 Calories rowed

150-ft Kettlebell farmers carry (97/62)

100-ft Handstand walk*


For time and score

*Rep counts are team total, each partner does half. Equal work. Tag between exercises. One partner performs their reps of WOD movement, while the other partner performs burpees. Post total number of burpees as score. For scaled option on HS walk, perform 300-ft Bear crawl.



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. 25:50 with Philip. 263 burpees
    Me -mod HS walks (kick ups every 5 feet)

  2. I believe Coach and I were 22:56 Rx with 235 burpees
    Strong work Coach!
    Burpees suck. Everything else was a blast! Ha!

  3. Michelle Milstead says

    Did this one with my mother in law. I’m not sure of the exact time but it was around 43 minutes. We did 237 burpees.

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