Friday, 07 January 2022

Join us for a FREE WOD today at any of the following class times:

0530, 0630, 0845, 1200, 1730



Partner WOD

100 Double unders

90 Sit-ups

80 Calories rowed

70 Box overs (20″)

60 Shoulder-to-overhead (95/63)

50 Calories biked

40 Burpees-over-bar

30 Pull-ups

20 Calories skied

100m Wall-ball overhead walking lunges (20/14)


For time



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Ron Sage says

    Solo version 1/2 reps. 26:13

  2. White Ape says

    Sape w/Kile shadow
    Sarah was Rx
    Ape did singles, box step ups, and step over on the burpees
    Kile did singles

  3. Vernice and Debbie
    34:41 Mod

  4. megancyork says

    31:13 ouch!

  5. Wade and Christa 25:49
    Wade mod

  6. Henry Smith says

    Partnered with Jon Gross

  7. 30:20 scaled partnered with Tim
    75# barbell and 16# wb

  8. Michelle Milstead says

    Partnered with Jodie and Heather shadowed
    Strong push to the end Jodie!!

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