Monday, 22 November 2021

Important notice for Thanksgiving week: Class are normal Monday through Wednesday. MP will be closed on Thursday in observation of Thanksgiving. Black Friday will have two WOD times, 0900 and 1200 (Please sign up for which one you plan to attend). 



Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes*:

Minutes 1, 4, 7, and 10: 12 Wall-ball cleans (20/14)

Minutes 2, 5, 8, and 11: 8 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

Minutes 3, 6, 9, and 12: 4 Strict handstand push-ups

…Rest 2 minutes then…

Death by kettlebell swings in 6-minutes:

On go, perform 3 Kettlebell swings on minute 1 (72/53), then rest. Increase by 3 reps every minute for 5-minutes. Then on the final minute, perform max reps.


For score*

* score equals final set of max reps, minus any reps not successfully performed in the first 5 minutes



Back Squat

5 reps @ 45%

4 reps @ 60%

3 reps @ 70%

4 reps @ 80%

4 reps @ 80%

4 reps @ 80%

4 reps @ 80%


For quality



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Mod ring rows (super sore hands today), HSPU on box.
    49 KBS
    Only worked up to 70% FS and had to goooo…

  2. Henry Smith says

    Cwod- rx first part

    17 Kettlebell swings last min

    Didn’t complete swod because I had to take off. Worked up to 70%.

  3. Michelle Milstead says

    CWOD–I could not get the WB cleans today! I need to work on those. The 14# weight was OK but not my technique. Used the blue band the first 1.5 rounds of pull ups and then had to move to the blue and red band. Used the box for the HSPU (used the feet instead of knees). Used the 45# KB. I only did 12 on the 15 round and only got 8 in the max reps round. I am happy Sarah had me do the 45#…just need to work on technique.

    SWOD–worked up to 80% back squat (98#). Need to work on keeping my chest up.

  4. Michelle Milstead says



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