Wednesday, 08 September 2021

Join us today for a FREE class! There are progressions/modifications for everyone’s ability.



On an 8:00 clock…

3 Rope climbs (12′)

6 Double dumbbell clusters (2x 50/35)

3 rounds then…

Max calories biked in remaining time


…Rest 2:00 min…


On an 8:00 clock…

10 Box jumps (30/24”)

10 Push-ups

3 rounds then…

Max calories rowed in remaining time


…Rest 2:00 then…


On an 8:00 clock…

8 V-ups

16 Kettlebell swings (72/53)

3 rounds then…

Max double-unders in remaining time


For total score of calories and double unders



Post results and experience to comments


  1. 24, 50, 78
    152 Rx

  2. Michelle Milstead says

    57 row cals, 341 singles, 16 bike cals

    Started out on box jumps and push ups. I did the 24″ box and Rx pushups but need to work on getting my chest all the way to the ground. Rx V-ups and 30# KB (should have done 35 # for at least some of them), Rx rope climbs and 15# DB (should have done 25#).

  3. White Ape says

    Total: 422 Rx

    Wow! Exhausted!

  4. 11,30,139 mods
    180 total
    Rope and plu progressions, 25# clusters, 35# KB swings, singles, and 20” box jumps!
    I am soooo proud of those box jumps, all 30 on a 20” box!! I wish I’d paced my row a little more but other than that, this WOD was perfect. Great to have some new friends join in the torture!

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