Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Solving world problems between metcons 🙂


12/9 Calories bike

12m Handstand walk

12 Kettlebell goblet squats (72/53)

12 GHD sit-ups


3 rounds for time



Back Squat

1-rep max

Compare to Wednesday, 19 August 2020



Post results and experience to comments


  1. megancyork says

    I did bear crawls

    Just wanted to move my body before competition this weekend.

    From athlete standpoint…..I let things distract me today. I was very disappointed in my lifts. Not all days are good but this one was very frustrating for me. I’ll get it next time.
    From a coaching stand point… the decent of all squats was good, but coming up my glutes don’t engage as much so I need to work on that.

  2. Henry Smith says

    Cwod- 90 reps

    Swod – I did shoulder press. Glutes have been tight and I am road tripping tomorrow.

    Set a pr 217#

  3. White Ape says

    6:54 Rx
    I did all HS walks unbroken. The goblet squats got toasty.

    With my leg still not 100%, I decided to do back box squats. Worked up to 345 x 1, and then went back down to 320 for a set of 5. Leg felt good, still a little tight in the bottom of squat, but….getting better!!!!

  4. Michelle Milstead says

    CWOD 93 reps–Bear crawl and 30# KB. It was tough at 30#, but I feel like I could have done 35# KB. This one gassed me out much quicker than I thought it would.

    SWOD–I haven’t had a back squat 1 rep max since my on-ramp last October. My on-ramp back squat was pitiful at 33#. Today, I hit a 82# PR for a 1 rep max of 115#!

  5. CWOD 7:57 Rx. That was a push to finish under cap!
    SWOD 200#!!!! 7# PR
    Been chasing that number for a while! Lost my positions at 200# so it felt way heavier than 195#. Next time really focus on not letting my chest drop on the bottom.

  6. 95 reps with 55# kb and bear crawl
    285# bsq for a 5# pr

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