Monday, 04 November 2019


General Warm-up:

Run 400/Row 500

2 rounds of:

10m Spiders

10 Army T push-ups

10 Sit-ups

10 Ring rows

10 Squats

10 Shoulder press w/T’s


Ski erg 300m

40 second D-ball rock

20m One-arm farmers carry/per arm

15 Box jumps (every 5 increase height)

10 Handstand push-ups



Option 1:

2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.4

30 Box jumps (24/20”)*

15 Clean and jerks (95/65)*

30 Box jumps

15 Clean and jerks (135/85)

30 Box jumps

10 Clean and jerks (185/115)

30 Alternating Pistols*

10 Clean and jerks (225/145)

30 Alternating Pistols

5 Clean and jerks (275/175)

30 Alternating Pistols

5 Clean and jerks (315/205)


For time

(20:00 cap)

*Scaled and Master’s 55+:


(24/20″), Med-ball step-ups (20/14),


55+ Rx:

(24/20″), Med-ball step-ups (20/14),


55+ Scaled:

(20/16″), Med-ball step-ups (20/14),



Option 2:

17.4 (variation)

55 Deadlifts

55 Wall-Ball Shots

55 Calorie row

55 Handstand Push-ups


For time

Rx loads:

Men: deadlift 225 lb., and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target

Women: deadlift 155 lb., and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

55+ Men: deadlift 185 lb., throw 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target, and push press instead of HSPU @ 95 lb.

55+ Women: deadlift 125 lb., throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target, and push press instead of HSPU @ 65 lb.



Post results and experiences to comments

If you are registered, don’t forget to post score to Games site no later than 1900 CST.


  1. megancyork says

    17.4 variation Rx (minus 2 ab mat mod for hspu)
    We put the 20 min cap on it.
    I have 19 cals and 55 hspu left at the cap.

    Those deads were spicy!

  2. RhondaMomma says

    Cap + 5 reps
    85# Deadlift
    10 lb WB
    HSPU toes on 20” box

    That was as hard as I remember! 55 is a tough number of reps.

  3. 20.4 scaled 182 reps

  4. 20.4: 160 Rx, tiebreak 16:47
    Also, a HUGE thank you to those who had already done the WOD earlier today but came back to the gym to cheer me on as I did this one solo. You guys are what CF is all about. Felt the ❤️ today from my MP fam!

  5. Hurt my hand during 20.4 so I had to do a different WOD
    5 rounds of
    10 cals bike
    15 GHD sit ups
    30 air squats
    20 SU
    Went slow my legs are toasted

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