Monday, 18 December 2017

Happy 80th birthday Gene!


Partner WOD*

“Mean Gene”

80 Calories Rowed

80 Push Press (95/63)

80 Pull-ups

80 Sit-up Slammers (12/8) @ 2m

80 Burpees

80 Deadlifts (185/123)

80 Calories Biked


For Time

*Equal work. One at a time working.



Side Straddle – 1:30/side

Middle Straddle – 2:00

Pike Stretch – 2:00



Post time and experiences to comments


  1. Happy birthday Gene! I hope I’m as fit as you are when I’m 80!

  2. 32:31 w/ Tolice
    I mod jumping PLU b/c of rip

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GENE! You are AWESOME, but your WOD was mean. 😉

  3. 26:46 Rx, partnered w/ Burris

  4. darrenandtara says

    Team Super Stretchy Muff. 24:49. Rx. Last half was worse than I thought and I thought it was going to be aweful. Happy Birthday Gene. I’m not doing another one of those till your 100.

  5. Partnered w/ AL – 34:03 Rx

  6. Partner with Jeff. 28:50 scaled with 75# sp and 155# dl
    I feel like I just took Gene’s 80 birthday spankings.

  7. Happy B day Gene. Hard workout!!
    Partnered w DoubleD. 30:12

  8. White Ape says

    Team “Jammy”
    22:43 Rx

    Tough and tiring WOD. Set plan and stuck to it.

    Happy birthday Gene!
    Happy birthday Nathan!
    Happy birthday Manny!

  9. Partnered with my hot wife
    Mod jumping plu for her
    70#, 165# weights for me

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