Tuesday, 07 November 2017


3-person team

Row 6000m*


For Time

*Each TM will row:

1000m @ 80% 500m PR pace

500m @ 90%

250m @ 95%

250m @ 100%



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 11-minutes of:

7 Ring Push-ups

8 Kettlebell Swings (72/53)

9 GHD Sit-ups

10 Overhead Walking Lunges (45/35)



Revolved Seated Staff – 1:00/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:00/side

Lying Hip Capsule – 1:00/side

Plow – 2:00



Post row time, score, and experiences to comments


  1. 3 Person Team with: JB & Mrod. I think we finished the entire row at 25:05.
    What I aimed for/What I got:
    1000m – 2:25 – 2:26
    500m – 2:09 – 2:09
    250m – 2:02 – 2:03
    250m – 1:56 – 1:54

    5 rounds – 170 pts – mods with 45# goblet squat instead of KB swing and GHD only to parallel (per PT’s instructions after dry needling this morning)

  2. Row: 23:39.6
    Partnered with Allyson & Brent

    CWOD: 194
    Started on GHD
    Substituted Air Squats for KB Swings

  3. White Ape says

    Team “Jammy” w/ Ghost (1:36 500m)
    Held paces +/-1 sec on first three rows, sold out on final 250, yuck!

    196 rep Rx
    (8 lunges shy of 6 rds)
    Worked on pace, walked station to station, did all unbroken once at station.

  4. Rowed with Kelsey and a ghost
    25:44.0 fast ghost 1:36 500 pace. I held 2:17 for 1000 2:02 500 1:55 150 and 1:48 on the second d 250
    126 Rx on the AMRAP

  5. Row: rowed with Jaime and ghost (ghost was 1:36 pace)- but I thought our time was 25:24.0. I clearly haven’t worked pace in a while-was all over the place.
    CWOD: 164 reps, started on GHD. Mod: GHD to horizontal, 10 goblet 1/2 squats for lunges with 35# KB, ring PU on knee, 35# KBS.

  6. allylegg says

    CWOD: 175 reps, mod with 45# kb

  7. Row: what Jimmy said. I can NOT seem to keep my pace….Rowing is…squirrel

    CWOD: 187Rx
    NTFS: just worked on pace, walked to each station and rep’d it out unbroken on all stations.

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