Monday, 25 September 2017


Partner WOD

120 Double Unders

120 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

120 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)

120 Double Unders


For Time


DU’s are 120 each. Partner A performs all 120 DU’s, tags partner B, and then partner B does their 120 DU’s. Once B completes 120, tags A, who then starts C2B PLU. There are 60 per athlete, must be broken up and switch partners into sets of 15. Must use one bar. Once all PLU are complete, team will perform 120 hang power snatches. There are 60 per athlete, must be broken up and switch partners into sets of 15. Partners must tag each time they switch who is working on the snatches. After snatches are complete, team performs DU’s exactly like first set.


Skill Work:

Pick a couple of weak skills and work them



Couch Stretch – 1:30/side

Sink Mobilization – 2:00

Posterior Chain Floss – 1:30/leg

Elevated Cat – 2:00



Post time, skills worked, and experiences to comments


  1. 🙁

  2. RhondaMomma says

    Teamed up with Robert
    33:something I think.
    Chest to Bar was a challenge today for sure. Gave it a try but I could not finish all 60. After the palm rip I was done at 45 reps. Should have broke the 15 reps into small sets on the front end.
    Scaled the weight to 65/45

  3. CWOD: 255 Rx

    Allyson attempted C2B Rx, then continued with jumping C2B. We did Scaled weight on Hang Power Cleans. Had to leave after 60/120 Cleans.

  4. This was gross.

    B Squared – (w/ Burris) — 36:54 — Burris did C2B, I did kipping PLU, I can’t do C2B. Unsure what weight Burris did on HPC’s, but I did my 55% at 42#. We both committed to doing DU’s the entire workout…so it took us a little longer than others but we finished!

  5. 28:47. Partnered w Kelsey. Started w C2B ripped hand. Finished w jumping

  6. 28:11 partner with DD, I scaled with kipping pu, 65# snatch

  7. Team Pinkzilla 28:47. I did 4 sets of 10 instead of 15 on PLU and snatches but did Rx weight. I’m just still glad to be able to kip and do dubs!

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