Tuesday, 22 August 2017

“Dear Lord, As I step up on this box, please don’t let me hit my head or fall off.”



Row 250m, All Out,

…rest 3 minutes, then…

Now team up, 3-person team:

Row 3000m*


For quality of speed control and time

*Switch every 500m, row at 90% your 250 pace


Every minute on the minute perform one round, adding 1 rep to each of:

Box Jump (24/20″)


Butterfly Sit-up


For Score

Compare to Tuesday, 11 April 2017



Low Dragon – 2:00/side

Elevated Cat – 2:00

Reclined Spinal Twist – 2:00/side



Post time, score, and experiences to comments


  1. RhondaMomma says

    135 Reps RX
    Through 9’s on the second try
    Rested 1 minute
    Through 3 situps in the 10’s

  2. 250m row in 45.8 secs (1:31.6/500m pace)
    Goal: 1:42 pace
    3,000m row: 11:51.8 w/ ‘2:00/500m pace’ ghost and Jaime

    CWOD: 157 Rx
    (9 rds + 22)

  3. Row: worked to keep 1:57 pace on 500m
    CWOD: 125 reps Rx, 2 round PR!

  4. White Ape says

    1:27 250m
    1:38 goal pace
    With Janimal and “Ghost Rider”(2:00)

    198 reps Rx
    Successful made through round 11, but calf was tightening up, so I stop. Granted, I barely made it, would not have made through 12.

  5. CourtnieMcKone says

    Attempted to row at 2:10 pace. I’m bad at keeping pace.

    83rx. 1 rep shy of finishing my 7th round.

    After class worked on hspu. Got my first rx hspus since I had Sawyer. Pretty excited about it.

  6. Row : check
    EMOM 4 reps shy of finishing 10th round

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