Tuesday, 20 June 2017


Row 250m, All Out

Rest 3 minutes, now…

Row 1000m @ 80% 250m pace

Rest 2:00

Row 750m @ 80%


For quality of pace and stroke control



21-15-9-3 rep rounds of:


Goblet Squats (72/53)

Wall-Ball Push-ups

Run 150m


For Time



Low Dragon – 2:00/side

Overhead Distraction w/ External Bias – 1:30/side

Middle Straddle – 2:00



Post times and experiences to comments


  1. Stayed on track w rowing 2:18 pace
    12:27 CWOD ringrows

  2. Skill: Row
    Target: 1:48
    1000m: 1:50.1 pace in 3:40.3
    750m: 1:49.6 pace in 2:44.4

    CWOD: 10:28 Rxish
    70 lbs sandbag back squat instead of goblet squat

  3. Muffin Man says

    Skill: 1:50 pace both rows
    CWOD: 9:44 Rx

    Missed the 250M sprint

  4. darrenandtara says

    Rowed at 2:24 pace.
    CWOD 10:24 Rx

    Rowed at 2:03 pace
    CWOD 9:49. Rx. Next time work butterflies on the short sets.

  5. Little John says

    1:28 -> 1:51. 1000: 1:51.7. 750: 151.4. Wod: 13:27.

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