Wednesday, 19 April 2017



3-6-9-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:

Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

Back Squats (185/125)*


Run 200m at the end of each round


For Time

*Must clean weight and place in back rack



20 Side Leg Swings each leg

Hip Capsule Distraction – 2:00/side

Anterior Compartment Smash – 2:00/side

Hold Pancake Split – 2:00


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 74



Post time and experiences to comments


  1. RhondaG says

    23:12 Mod
    CTB mod rounds 3/6/9 strict banded. The rest RX
    53# backsquat

  2. 27:06
    53# bar

  3. schumer says


  4. 26:24, mod banded C2B (used blue&red band. Need more band next time because towards the end it was basically PLU), 85# bar
    Worked PU after and did 25 unbroken!

  5. Christa says

    Had to stop after 2nd round of 9 reps at 19:something. 123# bar using rack. Mod Ring rows for C2B

  6. 31:18 scaled with 143# back squats

  7. 23:32rx
    Tried to be tough like T and stay after to do some “extra” work but I pooped out!

    NTFS: wear a shirt

  8. Modified ankle boot version:
    Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
    KB Push Ups
    KB Shoulder Press (35 lbs) w/ each arm
    25 WB Slammers (12 lbs)

  9. White Ape says

    19:40 Rx+
    BSQ @ 205#

    Very toasty WOD!

    Nice work today everyone!

  10. Muffin Man says

    24:38 Rx+ (205# BSQ)

    Glad to have such a competitive class tonight!

  11. darrenandtara says

    21:57 103#
    We got some good extra work in Jana. Nice work!

  12. Harvey Morris says

    30:37; 85#, 14″ box mod to plu

  13. Little John says

    Green band; 115.

  14. Mr. Such says


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