Friday, 03 March 2017



Option 1:

Partner WOD:

5 x 200m Run Sprints*

40 Burpees

3 x 250m Row Sprints*

20 Knees-2-Elbows

10 Muscle-ups

100 Double Unders


2 rounds for time

*Alternate which partner does the odd numbered sprint. If A runs, B will row. And then in round 2, switch.


Option 2:


2017 CrossFit Games Open WOD 17.2

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of:

2 rounds of:

50′ Weighted Walking Lunges

16 Toes-2-Bar

8 Dumbbell Power Cleans


2 rounds of:

50′ Weighted Walking Lunges

16 Bar Muscle-ups

8 Dumbbell Power Cleans

…now repeat, alternating between Toes-2-Bar and Muscle-ups every 2 rounds


For Score

Men use 50 lb, Women use 35



Revolved Seated Staff – 1:00/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:00/side

Lying Hip Capsule – 1:00/side

Plow – 2:00


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 27



Post time and experiences to comments


  1. schumer says


  2. David Duvall says

    Doc Jocs 29:38, scaled

  3. RhondaG says

    209 reps Scaled
    Tie break 11:43
    Spaghetti legs!!
    Good luck MP team! Maybe we should have team names?

  4. sflynn says

    32-ish with Katie. This one was a lung burner! My K2E are getting better though!

  5. Little John says

    36:15 with Steve. Improve communication between partners and don’t forget / have to redo ring dips.
    Pull ups / ring dips
    250 single unders

  6. Christa says

    32:11 with Brian
    My mods: knee ups, PLU/dips, singles

  7. Daniel says

    17.1 scaled 134 reps tiebreak 7:49
    Forearms were spastic and hands tingling after that one. It was ugly.

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