Tuesday, 18 October 2016




Partner WOD

Row 1000m*

For Time


…rest 4 minutes, during rest, perform 10 partner switches off and on the rower. Focusing on smooth transition with loosening the straps, reaction of the seat, etc..


Row 1000m*

For Time


*Equal work required



Front Squat

5 reps @ 50% 1RM

4 reps @ 60%

3 reps @ 70%

3 reps @ 80%

3 reps @ 90%


For Quality



Every minute on the minute perform the following until failure*:

4 Double Unders

2 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

1 Handstand Push-up


For Score

*Every minute, add 4 DU’s, 2 KB’s, and 1 HSPU

Score is total reps completed



Quad Smash – 1:30/leg

Banded Bully – 1:30/arm

Spine Smash – 2:00

Banded Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00



Post row times, load, score, and experiences to comments


  1. Partnered w/ Dave on row 3:23 & 3:17
    Front squats felt good
    141 reps, singles

  2. Nice Pic T…strong work!

  3. darrenandtara says

    Partnered with MM. Hits 3:10.5 both times. Both of us were a tad slower on pace on round 2 so transitions were better.
    SWOD. Shut down at 225. Knee and wrist said no more.
    cwod. 148. Rx. KBS were toasty.

  4. Muffin Man says

    Row 1: 3:10.5
    Row 2: 3:10.5
    Partnered with Darren

    SWOD: 3@290# felt good

    CWOD: 100 Rx

    SWOD 2: Squat Snatch: 3@165# failed about 4 times before getting last rep. Focus on finishing hips on triple extension and active shoulders receiving the bar in the squat.

  5. Jimmy has the row#’s
    85% on the FS by accident but the form was good so I stopped there…knees OUT Dan!
    Then snatchadoodle work up to 3reps at 90%

    • White Ape says

      Rows with my pard were:
      3:40.9 and 3:35.0

      Worked up to 90%, only got 1 rep at 320. 🙁
      I have not been lifting heavy due to left knee pains, and today, I could really tell.

      245 reps
      All but 7 HSPU of the 8th round

      Then did snatch work, worked up to 185 working on form. Felt good through 165. But got laxy on the pull under the bar at 185. Had several failed reps. But got it a little better by the end.

  6. Row w/ Brent
    3:17.4 (Switch @ 500m)
    3:25.9 (Switch @ 250m) – I got stuck during the first tag out and that slowed us down some

    SWOD: Front Squats up to 255 lbs (93%)

    CWOD: 69 reps Scaled
    Single Unders
    1 ab mat for HSPUs

    Was able to do two HSPUs with no mats today, and strung together some SUs with DUs before class started.

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