Wednesday, 17 August 2016

MP CrossFit Tulsa 081716



Perform 9-15-21 rep rounds of:

Power Cleans (155/103)

GHD Sit-ups


Run 300m


For Time



Couch Stretch – 1:30/side

Supine Shoulder Extension – 1:30

Calf Raises – 1:30

Elevated Seiza – 1:30

One Arm Lat Lean – 1:30/side



Post time and experiences to comments


  1. 16:34 MOD
    SU 15-21-30

  2. 22:04

  3. 16:42rx
    Thanks for letting me crash 5:30am guys!
    That was a rough turnaround.

  4. darrenandtara says

    16:22. Rx.
    Conditioning needs work.

  5. 20:31

  6. White Ape says

    13:21 Rx
    Definitely don’t like the increasing numbers. It was interesting though working strategy for the increasing.

  7. 20:12
    Mods: SP w/53# bar. (Those got tough fast). PU for burpees, 375m row

    I like the group mobility at the end.

  8. 17:46
    120lb clean

  9. 20:32
    9 and 15 knee 2 elbow, 21 ghd

  10. Muffin Man says

    14:33 Rx

    Started on GHDs. Round of 21 had to start on burpees because GHDs were taken.

  11. CourtnieMcKone says

    18:32 rx

  12. 19:44 mod 98# cleans. Did 3 k2e in second set.
    My body was sluggish and tummy upset tonight. Didn’t have any push.

  13. ddroesch says

    18:01 135# clean (60% 1RM) could have done Rx

  14. 17:55 Scaled
    135 lbs pwr clean

    Order: Clean > Burpees > GHD > Run

  15. Mr. Such says

    15:48 Rx
    I think that’s right. I’ll double check. Tara was on my heels on that last run.

  16. darrenandtara says

    15:59 93#
    Order – GHDs, Cleans, Burpees, Run
    Michael I believe you would have been 15:58. I tried, but couldn’t quite catch you. Next time.

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