Tuesday, 29 March 2016

MP CrossFit Tulsa 032916


Partner WODs

“O’ Happy Tuesday”

WOD 1:

12:00 Cap

2K Row

Max Rep Burpees


As a team, row 2000 meters. Then perform as many Burpees in the remaining time as possible. Only one partner working at a time, on both the row and burpees. Equal work required on row only. Total Burpees is Score.


…Rest 8:00


WOD 2:

As a team, use one bar (135) to perform as many reps as possible in 10:00 of:

Snatch (5 points)

Ground-2-Overhead (3 points)

Deadlift (1 point)


Every minute on the minute, one partner performs as many reps as possible of any of the movements. On the minute, partners change.


Total Score is both WODs added together

Compare to Tuesday, 24 March 2015



Right Side Straddle – 1:30

Left Side Straddle – 1:30

Middle Straddle – 1:30

Right Leg Split – 1:30

Left Leg Split – 1:30

Middle Splits – 1:30


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 52



Post row time, score, and experiences to comments


  1. Balboa60 says

    Partnered up with Ragsdale – he’s a beast! Thanks for pushing me rags!

    WOD 1:
    Burpees – 105
    (Row Time: 7:00.8)

    WOD 2:
    mod: 115#

  2. Shadowed Jaime on team with Jana:
    69 burpees
    WOD 2: my score 118
    Thanks for the PLU help ladies!
    Now to run w/ Kelsey!

  3. CourtnieSmith says

    Partnered with Emma. Kept the weight light today since my body hates me from doing every open workout twice this year.
    WOD 1: 9:05, 58 burpees
    WOD 2: 210 @ 75#

  4. Muffin Man says

    Team Speedy Muff

    Wod 1
    Row: 7:36
    Burpees: 107

    Wod 2
    Speedy: 128 (83#)
    Muffin Man: 181 Rx

    Total: 416

  5. darrenandtara says

    Team Super Goat.
    WOD 1.
    Row 7:41
    Crappies 82.
    WOD 2.
    Total 306. Me Rx. Brad 85# I think.

  6. What Sarah said on burpees. 125 Rx on the second part.

    • 69 burpees
      172 rx points on second WOD (my score only)
      3×5 at 55% 65% 75% FS of 185#
      3×3 at 55% 65% 75% mid hang sq clean of 153#
      Big improvement on the number of snatches over last time I did this WOD.
      I only did 4 snatches last time, and 14 this time! Whoop WHoop!

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