Tuesday, 23 June 2015

MP CrossFit Tulsa 062315



Row 1000m

For Time


…Rest 10:00



“Modified is Rx”

30 Sit-ups

25 Knee Push-ups

20 Box Jumps*

15 Burpees

100 Jump Rope Singles

200m Run


3 rounds for time



Right leg split, 2 minutes

Left leg split, 2 minutes

Couch stretch, 2 minutes



Post time, box height, and experiences to comments

Compare to Saturday, 21 June 2014

*No height is specified. You choose the height that challenges you.



  1. darrenandtara says

    Did 800M run instead of row. 4:00 then 17.53 with 24 inch box.

    3:43 row then 20:15 with 30 inch box.

  2. Balboa60 says

    PHEW……that was fun 🙂


    23:38 w/ 24″ box

    Thanks to Darren and Tara for their coaching and giving me a huge slice of humble pie!

  3. Workout a la Jana:
    A: run 2miles in 90 degrees
    B: heavy front squats 145# x9 reps
    C: WOD 21:28
    D: coma

  4. Muffin Man says

    Skill WOD: 3:18.3
    CWOD: 22:00 Rx+ GHDs for sit-ups and regular push-ups for knee push-ups. 30″ box

    Stayed after and did some back squats: 6 sets of 5 reps @ 225#

    Sleep time!

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