Saturday, 16 May 2015

MP CrossFit Tulsa 051615

Normal class at 0900.

Good luck to the Tough Mudder team!



“All I do is work and run”

15 Overhead Squats (155/103)

Run 300m

30 Pull-ups

Run 400m

45 Bar-Over-Burpees

Run 600m

45 Double Unders

Run 400m

30 Toes-2-Bar

Run 300m

15 Clean and Jerk (155/103)


2 rounds for time



Couch Stretch – 1:30/side

Spine Smash – 2:00

Anterior Compartment Smash – 1:30/side



Post time and experiences to comments


  1. Okay that was just awful.

    I barely made it through one round in 30 min.

    I stopped at the end of class time, technically 2 min after….

    I got through rd1+15 OHS rx in 32:08

    I am sure the Mudder’s had it way worse, but the shirts were AMAZING!!

  2. RhondaG says

    Wow…that took me 55 + minutes using the 33# bar!!

    Congrats Mudder team!!

  3. White Ape says

    WOW! When I get crazy and make one up…I do it right! 🙂

  4. Muffin Man says

    Most likely the double chick Fil a order

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