Wednesday, 10 December 2014

 MP CrossFit Tulsa 121014Getting a little “King Kong” action


“Begin Again”

15 Handstand Push-ups

25 Burpees

35 Slammers (12/8)

100 Double Unders

35 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

25 Glute-Ham Sit-ups

15 Calories Rowed


2 rounds for time

Compare to Wednesday, 19 March 2014




15 Sit-ups to Pike

Right Leg Splits – 1:30

Left Leg Splits – 1:30

Center Splits – 1:30



Post time and experiences to comments


  1. 30:56. Master mod and bonus

  2. Phew…that was definitely a lung-burner!!! 🙂 Love these types of WODs though.

    33:36 w/ bonus speed round
    mod: HSPU on tire

  3. gwilkins19 says

    37:42 Rx

  4. 23:13 mods

  5. White Ape says

    23:55 Rx
    with Bonus Round (10 reps of everything)

    And you are all welcome for the “bonus” round. :))

  6. darrenandtara says

    Rx except 2 ab mats on HSPU.

  7. darrenandtara says

    39:25. Rx with bonus.

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