Tuesday, 29 April 2014

MP CrossFit Tulsa 111413


Skill Work:

Practice for 10 minutes

Broad Jumps – Two leg and one leg


For Quality and Experience



Conditioning WOD:

Perform as many reps in one minute at each station. Then rotate and rest for 30 seconds between stations, and one minute between rounds.

Wall Climbs

Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Weighted Walking Lunges (135/93)

Speed Skips


3 rounds for score



Flexibility WOD:

Hold Couch Stretch, 2 minutes each leg

Hold right leg split, 2 minutes

Hold left leg split, 2 minutes

Hold Couch Stretch, 1 minute each leg


For Quality



Post experience and score to comments


  1. skill work
    turkish get ups with 23 pound KB 10 each side


    3 burpees EMOM

    13 min rx

    20m walking lunges
    3 rds @ 93#

  2. 620 Rx (relatively certain on count)

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